L-Cysteine supplements reduce hangover symptoms: Finnish research

L-Cysteine supplements reduce hangover symptoms: Finnish research

New research from Finland finds evidence that supplementing with L-Cysteine, an amino acid essential to the liver's production of the powerful antioxidant glutathione, helps reduce hangover symptoms.

For many, the aftermath of revelry often involves navigating the challenging terrain of a hangover. While increased flexible working may provide a more forgiving backdrop for dealing with the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption, the repercussions, including headaches and nausea, can still cast a shadow on our ability to focus.

Recent research emerging from Finland introduces an interesting prospect for hangover relief: L-Cysteine supplements. According to a study published in the Oxford Academic journal of Alcohol and Alcoholism, individuals who ingested an L-Cysteine supplement three hours after alcohol consumption reported diminished levels of nausea, headaches, and anxiety the following morning compared to those who received a placebo.

As the body metabolizes alcohol, it generates a toxic byproduct called acetaldehyde. Typically, the liver neutralizes acetaldehyde, converting it into water and carbon dioxide. However, excessive alcohol consumption can overwhelm the liver's enzyme production, leading to a buildup of acetaldehyde and the ensuing symptoms of a hangover.

L-Cysteine, an amino acid present in protein-rich foods like eggs, nuts, and dairy, as well as available in supplement form like in Neon Tiger's Recovery Shield +, may offer support to the liver. Research, including a 2018 Japanese study, suggests that L-Cysteine supplementation assists the liver in processing excess alcohol, resulting in reduced concentrations of acetaldehyde.

In clinical settings, L-Cysteine is integrated into medications treating various medical conditions, such as liver damage, respiratory issues, acetaminophen overdoses, addiction, and withdrawal.

The recent Finnish study revealed that participants who took a 1,200 mg dose of L-Cysteine reported diminished headache and nausea, while those who opted for a 600 mg dose experienced lower stress and anxiety – common side effects of hangovers.


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